Friday, July 24, 2009

She could just be short

This was the week for the visits at Children's regarding Gabby's shortness. We've seen both genetics and endocrine this week.

Our visit with genetics was very reassuring. While she does have the heart issue and some gross motor delay and short stature, they don't think that there's any kind of genetic component here. Additionally, some of Jack's relatives were shorter than me, so it could just be that she was going to be short regardless of other issues that she might have. The fact that she is cognitively on track is very reassuring and points away from a genetic problem. Relief number one.

Today we saw the endocrine folks. According to them, she's growing at a good rate. Her growth velocity is in the 10th percentile, and she's growing on her own growth curve. While it's below the 3rd precentile, she's still on the right curve. Her weight is also maintaining well. They are certain that she doesn't have a growth hormone issue. In fact, the doctor says that she is on track to be my height or a little taller. That's not what her pediatrician told me, and I asked about it, but she was sure. What they really look at is how fast she's growing, and she's doing fine in that department.

So, while Sarah is really tall for her age, Gabby is just short. It's not a problem medically. She's just going to be short like much of the rest of her family. What a relief.

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